Browse Apps
  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

The Anime Scene Search Engine, also known as, is a powerful tool that allows users to trace back the scene where an anime screenshot is taken from. By uploading an image, provides information about the anime, episode, and exact moment when the scene appears. With its intuitive interface and accurate results, is a valuable resource for anime enthusiasts and researchers alike.


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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

Caliopen is a messaging platform designed to facilitate discussions with your contacts while preserving your privacy. It aims to provide a secure and private communication solution for users. The platform allows users to engage in conversations with their contacts, ensuring that their personal information and communication remain private. As an open-source project, Caliopen offers transparency and the ability to audit the codebase for security and privacy. Please note that Caliopen is currently in alpha testing and not yet ready for production use.


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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

Rent-House is a complete rental housing system built using popular technologies. The project aims to create a comprehensive rental housing system similar to 'Ziroom'. It is developed using Spring Boot and Elasticsearch, and deployed using Docker containers. The system includes modules such as the rental home page, property search, property display, map-based property search, favorites, house viewing appointment, user center, publishing management, and account management.


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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

SvgPathEditor is a web-based application that allows users to create and edit SVG paths directly in their browser. It offers a user-friendly interface and a range of tools and features to make the editing process efficient and easy. With SvgPathEditor, users can paste or edit raw paths, add new commands to the path, move points with drag and drop, and manipulate the viewBox. The application also provides shortcuts for quick commands insertion, conversion, and deletion. Developed using Angular, SvgPathEditor offers a seamless editing experience and supports functionalities like scaling, translating, rotating, and rounding the full path. It also allows users to convert all commands to relative or absolute coordinates. Whether you're an experienced SVG user or a beginner, SvgPathEditor provides a convenient platform to create and modify SVG paths with precision and ease. To use SvgPathEditor, simply access the web application at [this link]( The application is completely free to use and does not require any installation. If you prefer to run SvgPathEditor locally, there are two options available. 1. With Node.js: - Ensure that you have Node.js v12.14, v14.15, or higher installed. - Run the command `npm install` to install all the dependencies. - Start the development server with the command `npm start`. - Access the application locally at `http://localhost:4200/`. 2. With Docker: - Build the Docker image using the command `docker build -t svg-path-editor .`. - Run the Docker container and map the port using either `docker run -p 4200:4200 svg-path-editor` or `docker-compose up` command. SvgPathEditor was generated using Angular CLI version 9.1.3. SvgPathEditor offers a range of key features to enhance the SVG path editing experience: - **Path Editing**: Users can paste or edit raw paths in the path field, and manipulate the path by adding, removing, and changing the type of commands. - **Drag and Drop**: Points within the path can be moved using drag and drop gesture, allowing for easy manipulation of the path. - **ViewBox Manipulation**: Users can zoom in/out, move the viewBox, and automatically set the viewBox based on the current path. - **Path Operations**: The full path can be scaled, translated, rotated, and rounded using dedicated buttons. - **Shortcut Support**: SvgPathEditor provides a wide range of shortcuts for efficient editing, including command insertion, conversion, deletion, and undo/redo operations. SvgPathEditor is an open-source alternative for creating and editing SVG paths in the browser. It offers similar functionality to proprietary SVG editing tools but with the added benefit of being freely accessible and customizable. Users have the flexibility to host the application locally or use the web-based version without any restrictions. Unlike closed-source alternatives, SvgPathEditor provides transparency, allowing users to examine and modify the source code to suit their specific needs. SvgPathEditor is a versatile tool suitable for designers, developers, and anyone working with SVG paths. Start using SvgPathEditor today to streamline your SVG editing process and create stunning visuals with ease.


Waitlist for svg-path-editor

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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

VulnWhisperer is a vulnerability management tool and report aggregator. It is designed to pull reports from different vulnerability scanners, create unique filenames for each report, and sync the data with Jira and Logstash. Jira performs a full sync with the scanner data, while Logstash indexes and tags the information. The data is then sent to ElasticSearch for indexing and can be viewed in a visual and searchable format in Kibana with pre-defined dashboards. VulnWhisperer is an open-source project that is community-funded and constantly evolving with regular updates and bug fixes. It provides a reliable and efficient solution for creating actionable data from vulnerability scans.


Waitlist for VulnWhisperer

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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

Maniwani is an anonymous imageboard application built using Flask. It aims to provide a modern and user-friendly platform for sharing and discussing images. The name 'Maniwani' is derived from a Japanese term and reflects the mysterious and engaging nature of the imageboard.


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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

Moov Watchman is an open-source project designed to download, parse, and search through numerous trade sanction lists from various agencies and organizations. It offers developers an easy way to comply with regional laws and regulations by providing functions to access and manipulate this data. Along with its core functionality, Watchman also includes a web UI for in-browser searches and a webhook notification service for initiating processes on remote systems. This project is actively used in production and is continuously maintained and improved by the Moov development community.


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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

Papermerge is an open-source document management system (DMS) designed for archiving and retrieving digital documents. It offers a centralized platform to store and organize your documents, replacing the need for physical paper archives. With Papermerge, you can quickly scan your paper documents and upload them directly to the DMS, where they will be indexed using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology. This allows you to easily search for and retrieve any document using full-text search capabilities. Papermerge's main use case is the long-term storage of digital archives. It is actively developed and continually improved to meet the needs of its users.


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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

Cryptobot is a bot designed to track your Binance trades while you're away. It does not generate profits on its own and requires input for targets and stop-losses to follow your trades. The bot utilizes the Binance REST API and is built on the foundation of the 'sammchardy/python-binance' project. Before using the bot, it is important to carefully review all provided documentation.


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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

OpenSourceBilling is a web application designed for creating and sending invoices, managing clients and companies, and generating reports on item sales, payments, and revenues. Built on Ruby on Rails v6.0.2.2 and Ruby v2.7.1, OpenSourceBilling offers a user-friendly interface that is both attractive and adaptive. With features like recurring invoices, export to PDF, estimates, and payment tracking, this application provides everything you need to streamline your billing process. It also offers full text search functionality, time tracking for projects, and the ability to import data from Freshbooks and QuickBooks. Additionally, OpenSourceBilling supports multiple languages and currencies, making it accessible to users worldwide. Try the demo version to experience its capabilities.


Waitlist for open-source-billing

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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

Frodo is a personal blog application developed using Python and Go's asynchronous technique. It provides a platform for users to create and manage their own blogs, with features such as post editing, global searching, visitor interaction, and activity tracking. The application is built using a combination of web frameworks and technologies, including FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, Mako, Golang, and more. Frodo supports Docker deployment and can be easily set up using the provided docker-compose file. It also offers customization options for a personalized blog experience. With its asynchronous capabilities and support for event loops, Frodo delivers fast performance and responsiveness. The application generates API documentation automatically and follows OpenAPI rules. Frodo is suitable for developers looking to create a personal blog or contribute to an open-source project.


Waitlist for Frodo

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  1. Developed By: OPEN SOURCE
  2. Pricing Type: Free

vtiger CRM is an open-source software that helps over 100,000 businesses enhance their sales, improve marketing reach, and deliver exceptional customer service. With its comprehensive suite of features, vtiger CRM offers a powerful solution for managing customer relationships and streamlining business operations. This project provides an easy-to-use Docker image to quickly try out vtiger CRM and explore its capabilities. The vtiger CRM Docker image is regularly updated to ensure compatibility and security. With a wide range of supported PHP versions, vtiger CRM can be easily integrated into existing development environments. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, vtiger CRM offers the flexibility and scalability needed to grow your business.


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